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To join the all new 2024 email group through, click on the Application link, complete the form, and submit. Membership is restricted to active, reserve, and retired law enforcement officers. was developed by Phillip Calvert, an Alabama law enforcement officer while completing his undergraduate degree at Faulkner University in Montgomery, Alabama. A combination of the need for law enforcement officers to communicate along with an interest in the technology of the Internet drove the development of this project. Many law enforcement officers were learning the new technology and maintained their personal email accounts, while most law enforcement agencies did not provide such technology or communication potential. The concepts came together and became a tool for communication and support among the law enforcement community. The ultimate goal of is to provide our service to all law enforcement officers who wish to participate, provide support to law enforcement officers and their families, and to promote inter-personal communications among law enforcement officers as a means to develop a more professional law enforcement community.

For 20+ years, has provided a free service to law enforcement officers worldwide with an emphasis on Alabama law enforcement issues. provides an email listserver that allows law enforcement officers to communicate through their personal or department Email accounts. Participation in the listserver group allows an officer to send a message to one address where it will be forwarded to all other members of Communication is the key to success for the Law Enforcement Community and is proud to be a part of the evolution into the computer age for hundreds of officers. It is the mission of to allow Law Enforcement Officers to discuss local issues and share local information that may not be easily accomplished through "official" communication avenues. Our email group was disabled after 2017 due to our email service provider ceasing operations. As of January, 2024 this service has been restored and again provides private communication services and support to law enforcement officers.

Our email listserver service is best described as an email locker-room for law enforcement participants. Our service has been helpful to law enforcement officers needing information for research or investigations. Requests for information on suspects, ideas, or investigations can be available worldwide within a few hours. Our service has been helpful to law enforcement officers needing to interact with other law enforcement officers developing personal and professional contacts. Our service has been helpful to law enforcement officers who may need to just blow off some steam or convey their feelings and frustrations to others who will understand what they are going through. Generally, this service provides a meeting place where officers can communicate with others who can offer assistance, information, and sometimes criticism based on their background and experience.

Membership status is open to all Full-time, Part-time, Retired, and Reserve law enforcement officers from any Municipal, County, State, or Federal Law Enforcement Agency. Certified Instructors from any Police Academy and some other support staff are also eligible for membership. If you would like to apply for membership, please click on the Application link and then complete-submit the form or send a request to Upon verification of your law enforcement status, you will be contacted with more information about membership status.

It is our desire that will become a more important service to thousands of law enforcement officers operating within a large Law Enforcement Community and that will serve as another tool in the arsenal to better "Protect and Serve".

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